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Freezer Leaking Water From Below? Here's What To Do

Freezer Leaking Water From Below? Here's What To Do

Why does the freezer leak from below? Let's see what the causes could be and what should be done to solve the problem effectively.
Despite being a rather efficient appliance, it happens that in some cases the freezer may leak from below . This is often a problem with the condensation water purge system, which can be repaired by calling a technician or by resorting to DIY. When the freezer is working properly, under normal conditions, the excess water is collected by the drain system, to then evaporate naturally thanks to the heat given off by the compressor.
Unfortunately, in some cases, this automatic procedure undergoes alterations, causing water leaks on the floor. Before calling a professional, you can try to identify the causes of the fault yourself, checking the integrity of some components, cleaning the ducts and correcting some bad habits when using the freezer. Let's see what are the main causes of the most common failures and how to solve them.

  • How the freezer works
When you notice that water is coming out of the refrigerator , sometimes the cause can be found in the freezer . Inside the freezer the freezing temperature is kept constant, thanks to a coil in which  a refrigerant gas circulates . This system creates the conditions necessary for freezing food. To keep the cold air there is also a small air conditioning system which, in addition to guaranteeing the recirculation of the air at low temperature, prevents the heat introduced by opening the door from heating the frozen food. The condensation that inevitably forms is collected, depositing in the drain hole and then being expelled by evaporation.

  • The freezer loses water: what are the possible causes?

Any water leaks below the freezer may indicate a malfunction of the refrigeration system. The main causes are:
1.       breakage or wear of the gaskets
2.       incorrect closing of the door
3.       blockages in the drain hole
4.       cooling system malfunctions
5.       damage to the electrical system
6.       excessive presence of ice
7.       water leaks Repair

Before contacting a technician it is possible to exclude the most banal causes , those that can be easily solved with some cleaning and maintenance operations. This is for example the unblocking of the drainage channel , which guarantees the correct outflow of the condensate, or the removal of the internal ice that can be solved by defrosting the machine, if you do not have a frost-free refrigerator. Otherwise, in the most serious cases, especially those involving the electric parts and the refrigerant gas, it is advisable to call a professional expert in this type of repairs.

  • How to repair the freezer that loses water from below

When the freezer loses water from below you must first empty it from the food present, also extracting the gratings and the compartments inside it. Once this is done, open the drawer on the bottom of the freezer, where the condensation water drainage hole is located. At this point it is necessary to check for the presence of ice, removing it manually or making it melt with a normal hair dryer. Furthermore, the hole must be carefully cleaned , eliminating the small food residues and the pieces of casings and packaging that can cause obstruction. To do this you can use a cloth dampened with hot water or simple water mixed with a little baking soda. To check if the repair has solved the problem, just pour a few fingers of water into the duct, checking for regular flow.

Another possible intervention consists in checking the support surface of the refrigerator. If the position is unbalanced, simply level the fridge , in this way the freezer will be automatically leveled, by screwing or unscrewing the support feet at the bottom. To check the status of the slope it is possible to use a level , continuing the operation until the loss is completely eliminated. Other freezer repair operations, on the other hand, require the intervention of a specialized technician. A specialist can change a worn seal , replace the damaged condensation water tray, or repair any defects in the electrical system, addressing the problem at 360 degrees.

  • How to avoid water leakage from the freezer

Finally, there are bad habits that can cause problems with the freezer, such as the formation of water leaks and accumulations of moisture inside the machine. First of all, never place foods and foods that are still hot inside the freezer , causing an excessive increase in temperature and creating strong internal humidity. Nor should the compartments , either of the refrigerator or freezer, be overfilled , while on the contrary it is advisable to regularly clean the collecting tray, including the condensate drain hole.

Finally it is advisable to check the presence of ice , especially in no frost freezers. Having an automatic defrosting system, the appearance of ice in this type of freezer immediately alerts you to problems with the cooling system, which can cause undesired infiltration if they are not resolved immediately. In conclusion, when a freezer loses water from below, it is necessary to promptly intervene, clean the entire internal surface and perform an integral maintenance of the freezer. If the leak exists it is important to call a specialized technician , to resolve the fault before the damage gets worse, as this situation would surely lead to a greater economic expense. Find the professional closest to you  for Refrigerator Repair Services.


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